I haaaaate language learning communities

That is why i decided to make a little diary about my language learning journey in real time so someone else does not have to go through what i am going through right now. Oh also I have no idea how to make a website. So i will start with this book I found in a subreddit. I will update this if I don't forget about it like a knob. My goal is to learn Russian good enough that I can get the snowball rolling by watching Russian movies Russian YouTube and surfing around on the Russian internet which is how I learned English


Soo being the lazy idiot i am it took me while to read it. Eh decided to go back to it when I go through a beginner course. The beginner course I am trying is this. I kind of like it because it is right on the point it does not have the usual "bloat" that comes with books so to speak. I just hope it is comprehensive enough to get me started. As someone with a native language that does not have grammatical gender Russian is a fucking nightmare. I also definitely should tidy up this place but again, I am monumentally lazy. I am slowly going through the beginner course and it needs a good amount of work but I am hopeful that it will work out.